
1.5 weeksMarch 2022

I have always wanted to go to Berlin. There was this distinct image in my head — I don’t remember where it came from. Expectations are dangerous, and I was ready to face my disillusionment. Berlin, however, was everything I thought it would be, and more. I would love to go back someday.

My favorite way to explore a city is by walking and hopping into coffee shops. Is it too simple? Maybe. I like keeping it low pressure though. I also feel like it’s the best way to meet the city as it is.


I stayed at the Michelberger Hotel. It first caught my eye when I came across their website on some design-inspiration thread. It was love at first sight.

I chose their smallest room, which they call “cozy”. It was indeed tiny and so stylish. The shower was fun. I loved the downstairs area. I loved the neighborhood.

coffee and milk on a wooden tray downstairs lobby at michelberger hotel my cozy hotel bed and shower with a few


These were my favorite spots:

At a coffee shop in the US, you usually have to specify if you want your coffee in a mug, aka “for here”. Otherwise, you'll get it in a to-go cup. (Some coffee shops may not even have mugs).

In Germany, it's the exact opposite: unless you specify “to-go” (or “takeaway”), you'll get it in a mug.

If that's not a clear demonstration of a slower life pace, I don't know what is. It's also just one example of a system designed for sustainability. I can only imagine how many paper cups they save by defaulting to mugs.

By the way, I loved how some cafes served coffee on a small, rectangular wooden tray. I fell in love with those trays.

pour over and book at Refinery High End Coffee looking on the street from inside Coffee Room Berlin

the most important walk

I have seen Lola Rennt at least five times — this film was on the curriculum of every German class I had ever taken and I’ve watched it a couple times for fun too. I wanted to find the spots from the movie and take pictures while holding up the movie screenshots in front of the camera. It ended up being one of the best walks ever.

casino from Lola Rennt film outside Lola's apartment Lola running across Oberbaum Bridge Lola in front of the bank Pharmacy near the supermarket Intersecation near the supermarket where Lola and Manni finally meet

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