Hotel das Amoreiras is the perfect hideaway.

coffee and treats
Hello, Kristoff
still thinking about the matcha cookie + the best cold brew in lisbon - Ceres Boulangerie
pain au chocolat... mmm - The Coffee
matcha tonic was so good - Coffee and People
loved the vibe

- Liberty
- The Folks Sé
- Brooklyn Lisboa
- Seagull Method
- Parlamento
carhartt and the like - Ementa
local, cool, artsy
- Toca da Raposa
starling = perfectly non-sweet cocktail

- Most museums only accept cash as payment.
- Coffee shops don't open before 8am, at earliest.
- When flying out, we didn't have to take our laptops out or shoes off.
- If flying out of Schengen, the passport control is after the duty-free area.

List of all places on Google Maps and PamPam.